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Diet Direction (part 3)

Original Article By Ed Bauman, M.Ed., Ph.D.

 vegetables Vh
Using a Diet Direction Effectively

The key to successfully applying a diet direction is to build the food plan on top quality whole foods. Food quality is diminished in most restaurants and with most packaged food items. Fresh is always best.

One’s diet direction is a reminder to eat more of certain kinds of foods, such as nuts and seeds in a Building diet, and less of other foods, such as bread products in a Cleansing diet. Having an intention to eat well helps a person decide what to eat and what to pass up. Cookies, candy, ice cream, sodas, and foods with artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives are best left on the shelves, no matter one’s diet direction.

As individuals make more conscious food choices, they are more in touch with how certain combinations of foods feel to them. At certain times of the day, when hunger hits and hits quickly, such a person knows what foods to keep on hand to satisfy hunger while at the same time providing nourishing energy. Almonds with raisins are more nourishing than a Milky Way® candy bar, and the energy that is produced clears the brain and mobilizes the body into action.

Eating for Health is a skill that is learned with the support of a food coach who can serve as a mentor and resource. Replacing depleting foods in the diet with health-promoting ones is a gradual process, but one new food per week will increase a person’s repertoire by four foods per month, or 48 foods per year.

What about parties or a food craving that just won’t quit? It is fine to socialize occasionally with special food and drink. It is what we consume habitually that makes or breaks our health. The key is to not be too hungry or tired before a big occasion, or else overeating and excessive drinking may prevail.

Proper food choices provide a strong nutritional foundation for life; help protect us from the health challenges we encounter, and allow us to live up to our potential as dynamic, creative human beings.

Bauman College Diet Direction

Composition (as % of Calories)





CARBOHYDRATES 20–40% 30–60% 60–80%
PROTEINS 15–35% 10–30% 10–20%
FATS 45–60% 20–45% 10–20%

2–4 oz animal 4–6 oz vegetable

4–6 servings daily 2–4 servings daily 1–3 servings daily
NUTS AND SEEDS 4–6 Tbs 2–3 Tbs 1–2 Tbs (seeds, only)

1 oz

5–7 times/week 5–7 times/week 5–7 times/week

1⁄2 cup or 1 medium

2–3 servings daily 
low-sugar fruits
2–4 servings daily 4–5 servings daily

Crunchy: 1⁄2 cup; Raw leafy: 1 cup; 
Cooked leafy: ½ cup

Unlimited but at least 
3–5 servings daily

Unlimited but at least 
4–6 servings daily

Unlimited but at least 
6–8 servings daily

1⁄2 cup

1–2 servings daily 1–2 servings daily 0–1 servings daily

1⁄2 cup

1–3 servings daily 3–4 servings daily 1–3 servings daily

Herb Tea
Fresh Juice

4–8 cups daily*
2 cups daily
1⁄2 cup daily
1⁄2 cup daily

4–8 cups daily
3 cups daily
1 cup daily
1 cup daily

4–8 cups daily 
2 cups daily 
1⁄2 cup daily 
1⁄2 cup daily

*Amount of water required will vary according to water content of foods and how many other beverages are consumed.

Bauman College Diet Direction: Characteristics





Warming Warming Cooling Stagnating to clogging
Concentrated Neutral Dilute Concentrated
Stabilizing — Grounding Comforting — Stabilizing Ungrounding Mood/energy swings
Slower to digest Moderate digestion Quick to digest Slow to digest
Longer lasting energy Longer lasting energy Quick energy Energy depleting
Congesting if overdone Neutral to decongesting Decongesting


w/lots of greens
Alkaline-forming w/lots 
of greens
Alkaline-forming Acid-forming
Wild or organic fish 
Organic or pastured meat 
& poultry 
Non-meat proteins:
  • Eggs and raw dairy
  • Nuts and seeds

Limited whole grains; mainly 
Lots of vegetables, emphasis on 
non-starchy; limited starchy & 
Algae, seaweeds, yeast, bone 
broths, fermented vegetables, 
undenatured whey 
Spices and herbs

Wild or organic fish 
Organic or pastured 
meat & poultry 
Non-meat proteins:

  • Eggs & raw dairy
  • Nuts, seeds, 
    their milks

Whole grains (nongluten) 
Cooked vegetables, incl. 
Raw vegetables & juices 
(incl. carrots and beets) 
Algae, seaweeds, yeast, 
bone & vegetable 
broths, fermented 
vegetables, undenatured whey
Starchy fruits 
Green herbs, spices

Seeds & their milks 
Bone broths 
Fresh fruits (no citrus) 
Fresh fruit and 
vegetable juices (except citrus, carrots and beets)
Limited non-gluten grains 
Leafy greens and other 
non-starchy vegetables, 
raw and/or cooked 
Algae, seaweeds, yeast, 
vegetable broths, 
fermented vegetables 
Green herbs, spices 
Water and herb teas

Commercial vegetable 
oils, shortening, margarine 
Commercial meats, dairy, & poultry; 
commercial farmed fish 
Overheated oils 
Refined sugars 
Processed, packaged foods 
Refined flour products (pasta, 
bread, other baked goods) 
White rice 
Excess coffee 
Egg or soy-based protein 