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What Is A Holistic Health Coach?

holistic health coach

A holistic health coach can come from different educational backgrounds.  Many receive training in the nutrition arts.  Others have a certificate or degree in health coaching.  Or there can be a combination of these along with other complimentary or alternative modalities.  It is important that a hired health coach will explain his or her qualifications and training.

A holistic health coach is trained to recognize the need to consult with other qualified professionals in other specialties. When your needs require assistance in those areas of expertise traditionally and legally set aside for others, a holistic health coach will encourage and support you in seeking other qualified help.

In the areas of nutrition and lifestyle, a holistic health coach can advise, counsel, coordinate, educate, guide, inform, suggest and support. A holistic health coach will research and access current nutrition information in order to implement positive behavior modification plans and to improve your nutrition patterns.

Stay tuned for my next blog post titled, "Who Benefits From the Services of a Holistic Health Coach?", and "What Can A Holistic Health Coach Do For You?."

Some of the content for this article was adapted from "The Role of the Holistic Nutrition Professional," a brochure distributed as a public service by: The National Association for Nutrition Professionals (

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