Primo Health Blog

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Posts about nutrition professional:

What can a holistic health coach do for you?

What can a holistic health coach do for you?

The following are some of the main skills a well trained holistic health coach is able to offer you when seeking out their services.

Develop a comprehensive nutrition profile, including nutrition lifestyle goals.

A holistic health coach will assist you in developing a comprehensive, confidential nutrition analysis. Specialized training enables a holistic health coach to ask you pertinent questions necessary for defining personal health goals and providing you a customized nutrition program.

What Is A Holistic Health Coach?

What Is A Holistic Health Coach?

A holistic health coach can come from different educational backgrounds.  Many receive training in the nutrition arts.  Others have a certificate or degree in health coaching.  Or there can be a combination of these along with other complimentary or alternative modalities.  It is important that a hired health coach will explain his or her qualifications and training.

A holistic health coach is trained to recognize the need to consult with other qualified professionals in other specialties. When your needs require assistance in those areas of expertise traditionally and legally set aside for others, a holistic health coach will encourage and support you in seeking other qualified help.

What is Holistic Nutrition?

What is Holistic Nutrition?

Holistic Nutrition is founded on an understanding of the big picture as was discussed in my previous blog post "What is Holistic Health?." It addresses the different aspects of the whole person and how the different parts may be affecting overall health.

Holistic nutrition understands that the we need to be fed emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. And what we are fed has a direct impact on who we are: You are what you eat! A holistic nutritionist acknowledges the bodyʼs need for pure, unadulterated, whole, natural, nutrient rich foods and water.

Greetings From A Health Nut

Greetings From A Health Nut
I wanted to take the opportunity to tell a little bit about my story. I would like to share highlights of my journey to becoming a holistic health and nutrition educator. I'm hoping that by getting to know me a little better, you will more easily understand my perspective on health and wellness.