Who benefits from the services of a holistic health coach?
Are you considering enlisting the services of a holistic health coach or nutritionist? Here are some thoughts to to consider before taking on a health coach to assist you in reaching your health goals.
You can benefit from hiring a holistic health coach if:
- You want to promote good health in yourself or others
- You recognize that improving personal lifestyle is important to raising personal health
- You want to feel well, experience increased energy and improve overall health
- You want the freedom to seek quality care that can result in high-level wellness; the kind of care that will sustain productivity and the quality of life into the later years
- You desire more than today's standard level of health under attack from pollution, stress, denatured food, toxins and other variables
- You are more interested in dealing with causes than effects and with the overall person, rather than specific parts or areas
- You are willing to change unhealthy aspects of lifestyle in order to achieve improved health goals
- You seek health care that involves preventative, non-invasive, individual oriented principles and techniques
If several or all of these statements pertain to you, then perhaps you should consider seeking the guidance of a holistic health coach. Be sure to know their educational background and training. And ask for references from previous customers. But most importantly, have a 15 minute conversation to make sure you click with their personality and their philosophy. You don't want to find out far into the business relationship that you don't work well together.
Some of the content for this article was adapted from "The Role of the Holistic Nutrition Professional," a brochure distributed as a public service by: The National Association for Nutrition Professionals (www.nanp.org).