Eat, Drink And Be Mindful

A portal for functional health topics and news.
Diabetes is a health condition where the blood sugar is constantly elevated. There are two types of Diabetes. Type One Diabetes is typically an autoimmune condition and results from the body not producing enough insulin. The islet cells of the pancreas that produce insulin are targeted by the immune system. Type Two Diabetes is typically caused by lifestyle and genetics, and results in the body not properly producing or using insulin.
The Paleo Diet, often called the "caveman's diet," is an approach to eating that is growing increasingly popular. The premise of this plan is to only eat foods that would have been available to ancient man before agriculture. The foods recommended are ones that can be hunted or gathered. But foods that need to be cultivated and harvested are strictly prohibited.
The (modern day) Paleo Diet then consists mainly of grass fed, wild caught meats, game and fish (vegans cringe here). Eggs are permitted as are all vegetables and fruits. However, starchier and sweeter types are avoided or saved for athletic training. Healthy animal fats, coconut oil, seeds and nuts complete the meal.
The following is a presenation I created for a final in one of my graduate school courses. It is a bit rough, but the information is valuable and I wanted to share. Obesity in America is a growing problem, but even moreso amongst the Latino community. About 11% of Latino youth are obese, compared to 8% overall. This is an issue that must be addressed.