By Gene Bruno, MS, MHS – Dean of Academics, Huntington College of Health Sciences
Smart SupplementationTM is a free series of educational literature created by Huntington College of Health Sciences (HCHS) as a public service. Although copyrighted, it may be freely photocopied and distributed, but may not be altered in any way. Smart SupplementationTM is not intended as medical advice. For diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition, consult your physician.
With the rise of democracy and the crumbling of political boundaries in the previous USSR, many long-time Russian secrets were slowly revealed to the western world. One of these secrets used to give Soviet athletes a decided advantage—one that we can now share. It’s a plant called Rhaponticum carthamoides, and it contains a remarkable substance called 20-Hydroxyecdysone which helps promote increases in muscle mass and athletic performance.