From the hair on your head to the bones that support you and the blood that runs through you, your body relies on minerals for optimal health.
A portal for functional health topics and news.
From the hair on your head to the bones that support you and the blood that runs through you, your body relies on minerals for optimal health.
Recognized for its role in bone structure and proper function of nerves and muscles, Magnesium has a multi-faceted role in disease prevention and health promotion. It is necessary for almost every chemical reaction that takes place in the body!
In the last 20 years Americans have been consuming more milk and taking more calcium supplements than ever before, yet the rates of the bone crippling disease osteoporosis is rising. More than 10 millions women are diagnosed with osteoporosis. And another 34 million is believed to have “pre-osteoporosis” (osteopenia). Osteoporosis is disease progressive in nature where the bones become weaker and weaker, which makes the individual afflicted with the disease extremely susceptible to bone, fractures and changes in their posture. As derived from Latin, osteoporosis literally means “porous bones” (Balch, 2006, p. 605).
Promoting a Strong, Healthy Immune System
By Gene Bruno, MS, MHS
Are you frequently the victim of the common cold or the flu? If so, you’re not alone. Each year there are one billion cases of the common cold in the United States,1 and each year 5 to 20 percent of the population is infected with the flu.2 Oh well, that’s life. Nothing much you can do about it, right? In fact, there is a great deal you can do about it if you focus on promoting a strong, healthy immune system. In part, this can be achieved through the use of specific nutraceuticals. This article will address those nutraceuticals.
Mussels are a low-fat source of protein and provide selenium, a mineral necessary for the detoxification of heavy metals, and vitamin A, which is essential for immune function. In addition, mussels supply your body with vitamins B and C, iron, phosphorus, manganese, and zinc. Mussels are also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Stick with commercial sources as mussels may collect poisonous algae that can cause paralytic shellfish poisoning. Commercial sources are well-monitored to avoid this danger.
By Gene Bruno, MS, MHS
Having a bad hair day? If so, you’re not alone. Many people are dissatisfied with the appearance of their hair. In some cases, this might be because they are experiencing hair loss, slow growing hair, dry, brittle, or otherwise poor quality hair, and prematurely graying hair. Although the use of external products, such as shampoos, conditioners and hair “tonics” of various sorts common approaches to these problems, the internal use of certain nutrients and other natural substances may do much to support the appearance of healthy and beautiful hair. Before discussing these nutrients/natural substances, let’s first review some background information about hair, hair problems and hair loss.
Eye Disorders
By Gene Bruno, MS, MHS – Dean of Academics, Huntington College of Health Sciences
There are a number of different common disorders of the eye. These include cataract, conjunctivitis, macular degeneration and night blindness. Following is a brief description of each.
The term cataract refers to any cloudiness or opacity of the normally transparent crystalline lens of the eye. A cataract may or may not cause a loss of vision, depending on the size of the opacity, its density, and its location. Severe cataracts are a major cause of treatable blindness throughout the world. Oxidative damage caused by free radicals is considered to be an important factor in aging and the development of chronic diseases, including cataract formation. For this reason, many of the dietary supplement recommendations focus on antioxidants which can neutralize the oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
The Best Test for Mineral Deficiencies
Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., M.S.
The RBC Erthrocyte Blood Test can determine if you have mineral imbalances or toxic metal poisoning.
Essential minerals are necessary for life, assisting in the production of energy and other important biochemical processes.
Mineral insufficiencies, excesses, or imbalances can lead to illness.
Toxic elements, such as mercury or cadmium, may accumulate in the body due to chronic exposure and may lead to illness at very small amounts.
Some elements, such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, become toxic when too many sneak into the body.
This can lead to chronic symptoms, both physical and mental. These minerals are required for the body's structural tissues and for metabolic functions, particularly enzyme reactions. However, deficiencies or imbalances among elements can lead to problems.
For Example:
Depression: Functional Medicine Approach
By Ronald Grisanti, DC, DABCO, DACBN, MS
Depression is considered the most dreaded condition of mankind. What makes depression so awful is the sad fact that it is the one disease devoid of hope in the minds of many who suffer with this global epidemic.
Unlike debilitating diseases like arthritis, which shows it's ugly face by causing pain, depression is a silent enemy afflicting millions every year.
My goal in this article is to prepare and educate you on a few of the common triggers of depression.
These are not original thoughts on the subject of depression but are in fact documented peer-reviewed research proving the existence of a world of information kept under "lock and key" contributing to a sea of suffering and mental anguish.
Basic Foundation Program
By Art Presser, PharmD & Gene Bruno, MS, MHS – Huntington College of Health Sciences
Everyday our bodies make cancer. Everyday our bodies have high blood pressure. Everyday our bodies are challenged by an amazing amount of toxins. That’s the bad news. The good news is that every day our bodies make anticancer, antihypertenive, and poison neutralizing drugs. Our bodies are a living pharmacy.
What do you think our bodies manufacture life- sustaining drugs out of? They manufacturer these natural marvels out of the ingredients stocked on their shelves; ingredients that are replenished daily from the foods taken in and processed. Each vitamin, mineral and other nutrients have a place on the shelf.