The Beautiful Truth Documentary: A Natural Treatment Of Cancer

A portal for functional health topics and news.
It has been found that the quality of nutrients contained in supplements is the most important factor determining if a product will deliver the desired results for health promotion, health maintenance, and disease prevention. Only the highest quality of available “raw materials”, and a closely monitored production process, creates pure and effective supplements and formulas.
The Paleo Diet, often called the "caveman's diet," is an approach to eating that is growing increasingly popular. The premise of this plan is to only eat foods that would have been available to ancient man before agriculture. The foods recommended are ones that can be hunted or gathered. But foods that need to be cultivated and harvested are strictly prohibited.
The (modern day) Paleo Diet then consists mainly of grass fed, wild caught meats, game and fish (vegans cringe here). Eggs are permitted as are all vegetables and fruits. However, starchier and sweeter types are avoided or saved for athletic training. Healthy animal fats, coconut oil, seeds and nuts complete the meal.
You may have seen beets at the local salad bar, or maybe had them with dinner out of a can. The picture above is what beets look like pulled right out of the ground. The bulbous bottom is actually a root bulb and lies beneath the ground.
Many people have heard of yeast infections, and maybe even something called Candida Albicans. Candida Albicans is a type of yeast that lives in our digestive tract. We actually have many types of bacteria like the yeast living in our intestines making up what is called the gut flora. In fact, we have more bacteria living in our gut than we have cells in our body. The average human carries from 3 - 5 pounds of bacteria in the gut.
The avocado is also known as the alligator pear because of its rough and bumpy exterior. But don't let its skin fool you. If you haven't explored beyond its skin, you might be surprised to know it is a creamy buttery inside that captures the taste buds.
The Master Cleanse is a fast that uses a drink made from lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and filtered water as a replacement for food. It is to be carried on for 3 or more days. Some have gone as long as a month or more. The intention is to give the body a break from food so that the liver can use more energy to detoxify the body of unhealthy toxins.
As if going gluten free wasn't hard enough, a study published in June of 2010 suggests that even foods and grains that are thought to be gluten free can be contaminated by gluten. This is worrisome to those of us who have a serious gluten sensitivity issue or Celiac Disease. Gluten is everywhere!
The study found that out of 22 sample of inherrantly gluten-free grains tested, only 9 were not contaminated with gluten. The rest had at least 8 parts per million (8ppm) and went as high as more than 2,000ppm. These are foods that do not have gluten in their molecular makeup.
I watch almost every video you can find about nutrition and health. I also use my NetFlix account to watch any health related DVD's they have in stock. Last night I watched a documentary that I received in the mail a few weeks ago and hadn't had time to watch it. The DVD is called Cancer Is Curable Now.