The Risks Of Drinking Too Much Alcohol

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The health benefits of Vitamin B12 are best derived from animal foods. The stomach secretes a special digestive agent called intrinsic factor to help absorb B12 from these foods. Though vegans and vegetarians lean towards fermented soy products like tempeh for Vitamin B12, scientists believe it is likely not a usable form of the vitamin (Weston A. Price Foundation). Supplementing with B12 would be recommended for those on non-animal diets, as deficiencies in cobalamin or intrinsic factor can lead to many health issues that we will discuss next.
Not only are refined and factory produced foods in danger of becoming cross-contaminated with gluten, but homemade foods and restaurant prepared foods as well. It is important to remember that although small and seemingly insignificant amounts of gluten may seem harmless to most, these minute amounts may add up enough to cause an immune reaction in a gluten sensitive person. And this immune reaction is known to last up to six months after contact with gluten.