There are over thirty minerals that are now considered essential to life. Most of these are considered trace minerals, meaning we only need very tiny
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There are over thirty minerals that are now considered essential to life. Most of these are considered trace minerals, meaning we only need very tiny
A new buzzword in the health world you may have heard is "leaky gut." Sounds crude and descriptive, but actually it's right to the point. A leaky gut, or Leaky Gut Syndrome, is a condition when the lining of the digestive tract becomes compromised and larger food particles than normal can pass through to the blood stream.
I enjoyed learning in my nutrition classes that food passing through your digestive tract is actually outside of your body, not inside. Sounds funny, but it's true! Food you eat goes through your digestive tract but it is not actually IN your body. It's a long tunnel that passes through your body.
I was at the gym this weekend running on the treadmill and minding my own business. But then I noticed a gentleman on the machine in front of me. He caught my eye because I noticed he was talking while barely jogging. He was talking on his cell phone through his wired headset. Nothing out of the ordinary these days. However, seeing this really bothered me. I shouldn't care how he's doing his exercise, but something kept nagging at me. Then I remembered what I had learned in my "Moving and Sensing" class in grad school and I realized why his behavior was bothering me.
In this class we studied movement and learned that movement is life. If we don't have movement, if we don't move, then we are basically dead. If our blood stops moving through our veins; if our lungs stop moving the oxygen in and out of the air we breathe; if our heart stops moving - we die! I was reminded of this abruptly this weekend. My father's heart was taking four second pauses and causing him to go unconscious. His heart was resting when it should have been "moving." He's fine now after inserting a pacemaker to regulate his heartbeat. But this experience was a keen reminder of the importance of movement to life. We need to move!
I think it's funny that when I buy a new car I start to notice everyone else that has that same car. I often wonder why so many people are now driving my car. Of course, it's more probable that I'm now more aware of this car than I was before. It's amazing how the mind works.
Ever since I was told I had Celiac Disease I feel like that's all I ever hear now. I immediately notice what foods are labeled gluten-free and I feel like everyone I meet has the same condition. Some of this awareness is comparable to my notice of those driving my Toyota Matrix in my neighborhood. But I also know that gluten and Celiac Disease have become very popular subject matter, especially the gluten-free diet.