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Prevent Staph Infections Naturally

Prevent Staph Infections Naturally

MRSA: Natural Methods for Prevention

By Gene Bruno, MS, MHS 

Whether you call it "staph", "staph A" or “MRSA” (pronounces mersa), it’s all the same: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. MRSA is a bacterial infection which is resistant to methicillin and other antibiotics in the penicillin family.1 Although staph is a common bacterium found on the skin of healthy people2 , if staph gets into the body it can cause a minor infection such as boils or pimples or serious infections such as pneumonia or blood infections. In fact, MRSA symptoms are similar to those for any type of Staph infection:

  • Skin appears red and inflamed around wound sites;
  • In serious cases may include fever, lethargy, and headache;
  • Urinary tract infections, pneumonia, toxic shock syndrome, and even death.3

Health Benefits of Echinacea & Goldenseal

Health Benefits of Echinacea & Goldenseal

Echinacea and Goldenseal are a very popular combination of herbs which can be found in dozens of brands of dietary supplements. What these two herbs have in common is that they are effective at supporting and promoting short-term immune functions.


Centuries ago, Native Americans collected the root of the Purple Coneflower, Echinacea. Several species of Echinacea were collected and cherished by at least 14 tribes. This herb was a favorite folk medicine wherever it grew. Currently, Echinacea has been the subject of more than 350 scientific studies. In laboratory testing, Echinacea increases the immune system’s function in a few ways. Consequently, Echinacea may have applications for certain types of infections.

The Health Benefits Of Glutathione

The Health Benefits Of Glutathione

Glutathione is known as the "Master Antioxidant." Without antioxidants, nature's free radicals would cause endless damage to our bodies and living healthy would be quite difficult. Fortunately, we have a built in system of antioxidant power that when operating optimally, the dreaded effects of aging can be thwarted and youth preserved.

Glutathione is revered because of it's amazing power over free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules in our body that cause damage to our tissue and organs because of their erratic behavior. Glutathione, like other antioxidants, grab on to the unruly free radical and remove an electron, the bad influence on the free radical, and render it harmless. Glutathione is our most abundant antioxidant found in our cells and livers, and even stored in our protein. Science has observed that when there is marked illness, glutathione levels plummet. It is crucial to maintain adequate levels of glutathione, especially for those with chronic disease and autoimmune conditionsThose with autoimmune conditions are often low in glutathione levels.

18 Gluten Cross Reactive Foods

18 Gluten Cross Reactive Foods

In our continued discussion about Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease one must discuss the large percentage of individuals that do not improve on a strict gluten-free diet. Existing amongst many of those with gluten sensitivity is a cross reactivity issue with other dietary proteins. This means the immune system will react with other proteins as if they were gluten.